About Us
KwikPay is a digital payment platform designed to transform traditional cash and coin-operated machines into smart, digital payment systems. With Kwikpay’s intuitive and easy to use mobile web interface as well as smartphone apps (ios & android), consumers from such machines can interact digitally. Operators of such machines can get realtime data analytics from machines enabled with the Kwikpay technology. By offering multiple digital payment options to their consumers, operators can get incremental revenues and ensure their assets are future ready.
With Kwikpay operators of such machines can deliver a full retail experience to their consumers by offering loyalty programs, freebies, bundled purchases and other bespoke incentives, however with the confidence of having day-to-day sales reports on user trends, plus all the financial reports you would expect to manage your business. All these benefits are available using your existing equipment.
Now digitise your business and take your consumers on a digital journey of the 21st century.
Brought to you by Naico Limited.

Neeraj Bhatia <br>CEO
A passionate family man and entrepreneur on a mission to facilitate digitisation of various businesses through a smartphone app. Having almost three decades of international experience across multiple sectors and geographies, Kwikpay is revolutionising the unattended business segment. the way unattended businesses work.